Thursday, November 22, 2007

11/22/07 - SBD - Master Gilmore

Last night we just sparred round robin. Got to spar Master Gilmore but the floors were so stinkin slippery that could barely kick. We took it to the floor and I basically defended with 1/2 guard most of the time.

11/22/07 - BJJ - Mr. Stuart

Warmed up class with running 10 laps and stretching. We then went into techniques.

Arm Drag from Butterfly Guard (BG)

  • You have your opponent in your BG
  • Sit up, grap their left elbow with both hands
  • Pull your left leg back and outside of their leg
  • Drag their left arm to your right
  • Take their back
Guillotine from taking the back
  • Take your right arm over their head
  • Left arm to their side and underneath them
  • Gable grip and fall to your back, not your side
  • Make a muscle and squeeze
Butterfly Guard Pass
  • Take your right leg and put it between theirs ad squeeze
  • You now have their right leg trapped between yours
  • Lay your head on their chest and hold down their gi around their chest
  • Kick your right lef back and replace it. This will trap their left foot between you and them
  • Sit it out for a bit until they calm down
  • With your left elbow push their knee down and slide your left leg over theirs
  • You are now "laying" on their bent right leg
  • Wait it out till they calm down
  • Push their leg out of the way with your left knee and you step your right leg over and take side mount
Choke/Crank from side (NG)
  • As they turn into you reach your left arm back and under their head
  • right arm under their arm pit
  • gable grip and squeeze. Take mount of even opposite side to make tighter
After class I was talking to Sam about posturing up in guard. I was just using my back muscles to lift my body up and it didnt work well. You need to use your fists to push into their belly. Try to put your fists through them to the floor. As you posture up scoot your hips forward and keep your head to the sky.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

11/7/07 - BJJ - Mr Stuart

Last night was a pretty good night. We learned a flow from armbar to omoplata to a roll to a box choke.

Warm up we ran 5 laps, ran another 5 laps but jumped over kick shields and punched standing bags as we ran, ran another 5 laps but punched with the other arm.


  • Left arm grabs their right sleeve
  • Your right hand goes under their leg as your body turns
  • Swing your left leg out and over like an armbar but don't complete it by going over their head
  • Push your hips up and swing that leg back down
  • They end up in position for an armbar
Transition to Omoplata
  • Opponent bends their arm back and grabs your pant leg/thigh
  • They bump and turn out (to their left) while holding
  • They can then pop their head out and get you into side control
  • You bend your left leg and start to scoot to your left into omoplata position
Omoplata roll defense
  • As you are sitting in the omoplata position (before you can get to your knees) they reach under and across with their left arm
  • lie on their side in the fetal position
  • roll to their right to throw you
  • land in N/S position on top of you
Box choke after being rolled
  • They are in turtle and you are sprawled on top of them in a N/S type of position
  • Step your right leg behind you and roll to your back on top of them
  • Your left hand goes under their side and grabs their wrist (far side)
  • Your right hand goes under their neck and grabs their shoulder
  • Hips out and choke
I then rolled with a white belt named Ian for a good 10 min or so. I really tried to implement some of my new moves i learn last night and at the seminar. I also worked on not spending to much energy while rolling. After the match I felt really good with my breathing, while I noticed that Ian was huffing and puffing. From what I remember, he was more aggressive in the take down (even though it was from the knees its still something I need to continue to work on). I remember putting him in guard a lot and in 1/2 guard as well. I did a pretty good job and not letting him pass that much. One point I tried to go for the armbar from the bump sweep but I wasnt quick enough or he wasn't far enough back. Anytime he got mount on me I escaped it. I tried for an armbar from mount but didn't land that. I ended up taking his back and went for a lapel choke. I thought I had it in pretty good but he wouldn't tap. I noticed I was kind of high on him. I guess thats why. Either way I figured it would tire him out. He eventually got out. Sometime later he ended up taking my back and tried a RNC. I defended and got out. Some more rolling, then he gout mount and surprised me with a triangle from mount! Apparently Sam had taught that move the other day. He got it in tight so I decided to try the escape where you grab their lapel and start turning to their side. It relieved the pressure a bit but I couldnt break it. I think it was because I didn't grab the lapel far enough back. A few seconds later and I was ready to tap. It was a very good roll. Something Ive been wanting to do for a while.

11/2/07 - BJJ Triangle Seminar - Bobby Palumbi

This is a place holder until I get the chance to type everything that we learned at the seminar.

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