Friday, October 26, 2007

10/25/07 - BJJ - Sa Bom Nim

Because of the Haunted House we had class upstairs. I was partnered with Joel.

Kimura from guard

  • When their hand is on the ground or your knee
  • Open your guard and drop your feet to the ground
  • Slide back and create space as you grab their wrist
  • Sit up and put your free hand over their shoulder and lock your wrist
  • Lay back and to your side
  • Slide your leg (same-side) up their back to keep them from rolling
  • Create even more space
  • Crank
From Kimura, opponent straightens arm
  • Step your foot over their back and in front of their face
  • Arm lock
If you dont like the arm lock you can also do a wrist lock. If they bend their arm backwards then you can omoplata them.

Escape from front bear hug, arms out - Put your palm on their nose and frame off of them

Escape from front bear hug, arms in
  • Hands go to their hips
  • Push your butt back
  • Start firing knees or elbows
Escape from "RNC" style choke/grab if standing still - Both hands grab their arm. Lean forward and throw them

Escape from "RNC" style choke/grab if being pulled back
  • Throw your head back and up even more
  • Your foot goes back next to their ankle
  • Grab their arm with both hands
  • Turn in towards them but keep your feet close together (small steps)
  • Push your leg even further back
  • "Bow" to throw them

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

10/17 & 10/20/07 - SBD - Lossasso and Gilmore Sa Boms

We worked mainly on forms these two classes. I re learned Pyung ahn e Dan (now a dan form) and also worked on Jung Jol. In Master Gilmore's class we also did some upper body work outs at the end of class with dumbells

10/17/07 - BJJ - Sa Bom Nim

I'm writing this almost a week late so my memory isn't as fresh but here we go...

We warmed up with a bump and roll drill. Partner mounts, you bump and roll them into your guard, they stand, you sweep and mount them. They now do it.

After that we worked on passing guard.

Guard pass - One arm in, one arm out

  • Get both hands to their belt or pants.
  • Knee in the butt, other leg stretched back (not sideways)
  • Inch your way back to break their guard
  • As soon as you break their guard put your left hand under and around their leg, and gable grip your right hand.
  • Make sure your right elbow is inside their thigh or else you get triangled!!!
  • Feed their lapel to your left hand
  • Slide your right hand down their lapel to their neck
  • Stack them and turn to your left to take side control
Actually that all I can remember doing right now other than rolling. I do remember it was a pretty good class though.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

10/15/07 - Workout Parents

Last night I did about 25min on the elliptical machine and 5 min skipping rope. I then did some weight training on their machine. Leg press, shoulder press, sitting bench press, and butterfly. 3 sets with 10-12 reps each.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

10/11/07 - SBD - Losasso Sa Bom

Last night we did sparring and tournament sparring. We started off with just regular sparring. Shifting to the left once the round was over. I finally got to spar Losasso Sa Bom! I've been back for a whole year and that was the first time I got the chance to. I've been wanting to spar with him because I consider him one of the best sparrers around. I believe I did very well.

After that we broke apart into two rings and did some tournament sparring. I got 2 matches in.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

10/11/07 - BJJ - Sa Bom Nim

Tonight was a good night!

We started with stretching and then went to the shrimping drill. After that we did the compass drill. And lastly we shrimped up and back and then did the compass drill 10 times each side. That got me breathing good!

We then went onto the X choke from mount, elbow escape drill. We also did an elbow escape drill with our eyes closed. Our partner would take mount and lift one of his legs. We would then elbow escape with our eyes closed to the correct side.

We then practiced taking mount from side control. In side control, switch your hips, step over, mount.

We then did some rolling. I got to roll with Sa Bom Nim! It was great. I know he took it easy on me but I feel like I did really well. I defended a few X Chokes by inserting my hand inbetween the choke. I even went for a baseball bat choke and got pretty far with it. I got him in my guard and when he went to break it he stood up. I went for the ankle grab bt when I took him down I got ankle locked. He also tried passing guard with one hand under, one out so I went for the triangle. He still ended up passing but at least I went for it. He did take N/S one me once and I tried to get out of it but couldn't. Thinking back, I had my hands in his arm pits and I believe they should have been on his belt maybe. I went for a scissor sweep at one point but didnt have control of his left hand so he posted out on it. At one point I got mount (im sure he let me) and for some reason I froze. Couldn't think of anything to do. I tried for a kimura but it didnt work.

All in all I felt pretty good after he whipped my butt! After we were done rolling he said, your going to get another stripe tonight. So we lined back up and surprised me with a 3rd stripe! He said I did really well and I also went to the tournament and did really well there and that next test I will be ready for blue! It was a nice surprise!

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

10/8/07 - Workout parents

Last night my dad and I went for another run. We ran about 2.75 miles in about 30 min.

Monday, October 8, 2007

10/6/07 - SBD - Mr Corta

This Saturday was a small class because Leadership was going on upstairs. There were only 6 of us. Which was good because we got a lot of one-on-one attention.

We did our white and orange belt forms , Ni Han Ji forms, and Jung Jul. We then went onto sparring drills.

We started with the focus mitts doing jabs and crosses. Then went into a MT round house kick. And finished it with a distance drill. The person holding the mitts was either close (elbows, knees), punching range (punches), or kicking range (kicks). You had to react accordingly.

We ended in a sparring flow drill. You could only use 3 attacks. Your partner threw out 3 attacks and you countered and followed up with your own 3. The focus of the drill was on being able to flow from one move to the next.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

10/5/06 - Workout Parents

Tonight dad was home early and up to going for a run. I think we ran for about 25 min. I do know it was a little over 2.5 miles.

After the run I went into the basement and worked out a little more. I did:

  • Squat shoulder press w/ weights - 3 sets X 15 reps
  • Shoulder press - 3 sets X 15 reps
  • Shoulder Rows - 3 sets X 15 reps
  • Bicep curl - 3 sets X 15 reps
  • Wrist curl - 3 sets X 15 reps
  • Lats - 2 sets X 12 reps
  • Back arch on ball - 3 sets X 15 reps
Thats about it. I might be missing one or two things but that was the majority of it.

10/3/07 - BJJ - Sa Bom Nim

We started class with the usual running laps routine. And then went onto practicing our rolls. We would roll forward, get up, shuffle back, and do it again. We then rolled forward, got up, did a break fall, stood up in base, and did it again.

We then went onto takedowns from the clinch.

If opponent pulls you from the clinch:

  • Shoot in with both arms around their waist like your hugging them (I need to verify if head should be inside or out)
  • Wrap your outside foot around their leg for the trip.
  • Get into a dominant position
If your opponent pushes into you from the clinch:
  • Sit back and put your feet into their hips.
  • Throw them overhead
  • Continue to roll backwards to take the mount
We then went onto an escape from the X-choke when mounted.
  • Opponent has mounted and has one hand in your collar
  • Make sure your elbows are above their knees
  • Push their elbow down towards your chest and to the side while turning your head
  • Elbow escape and replace guard
  • If they are still holding on while in guard, armbar them for being stupid
*A note on the X-choke: Usually one hand goes in the opposite collar and the other hand comes underneath. If you want to go on top with the second hand then reverse the grip of that hand to thumb inside instead of fingers inside.

We ended with a little bit of rolling (1 min rounds). I wish I got more in but oh well.

First match: Newish white belt - Started from knees and went for the scissor sweep. My one leg got caught so I ended up getting him in guard. He was kind of spastic but I tried to force myself to work on attacking with my X-choke. I also tried working on breaking his posture when he has his hands in my armpits.

Second match: Matt : Tried for the step through to scarf hold takedown I just learned. It didn't quite work that well and I don't really remember how I ended up.I do remember he somehow got knee on the belly(KOTB) and I think I put him in 1/2 guard. Ah...he tried going for an arm bar when he was KOTB and I ended up rolling him and landed in his guard. I has just broke open his guard when time was up.

Third match: Another newish white belt, big guy - I was going to go for the scarf hold step through thing again but he was pushing into me so I pulled guard (while it might have been hard, I should have tried the overhead throw sweep). From guard I got his right arm across my body and grabbed it with my left hand over his head. His wrists were thick! I attempted the pendulum sweep but it didn't work. I didn't have my right arm under his leg either. Then time was up.

I was going to roll with another newish white belt (Matt and Steve were rolling together already). We started and he tried to pull guard but I didn't let him. I basically sat back and ended up controlling his legs. Ended in side control and was trying for an armlock/bar but he gassed out. We stopped, let him take a break, and I started from in his guard. I broke it open and took side control, and easily took mount. By that time he couldnt take it anymore and we stopped. I was hoping Matt and Steve would have stopped as well so I could roll with them but they didnt and class ended. No one stuck around to roll afterwards either.

So while I got to roll with a lot of guys, I still didnt really get to roll very long. I was barely winded.

Good class over all.

10/3/07 - SBD - Losasso Sa Bom

For the next two weeks we are doing sparring. We started class with 1 min sparring matches and then split up the Dans and Gups.

We worked on 2-on-1 sparring. The technique Losasso Sa Bom used was like the set up for low block. The leg thats in front, the other hand is guarding high and the same side hand is guarding low. As soon as the first person moves, rush toward them (tightly, very close to them) and try to catch something while they block. Go for the take down. Obviously never be in between the two because you only want to fight one person at a time.

We also did a great exercise where the 1 person starts against the wall. that way he can not move back, only towards his attackers.

To end class we did round robin sparring. All the Dans lined up on one side and all the Gups on the other. As SBN yelled switch, you continued sparring but moved onto the next person.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

10/1/07 - Workout at Parents

Did the elliptical for 45 min and then did a little lifting. Concentrated mainly on my shoulders but also threw in some arms as well. Did the speed bag for a little as well.

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